How To Get Clear Skin

How To Get Clear Skin At Jacks & Buckley Beauty Salon In Nottingham

We'd all love to have beautiful glowing skin, right? Good skin starts with good habits and we all know we should eat our 5-a-day, drink plenty of water, cut down on alcohol and have an effective cleansing and moisturising routine.

Feel confident in your skin with the best skin care treatments at Jacks & Buckley Beauty Salon in Nottingham. Our skin care experts offer a range of treatments that are designed to target your skin’s specific needs. From hyperpigmentation to acne-prone skin, we’re got the perfect skin care treatments for your skin concerns.

Treatments For Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is when there are darker patches on your skin. At our Nottinghamshire beauty salon, we offer treatments for hyperpigmentation that work to provide you with a more even skin tone.

We recommend the Clinicare Glycolic Peel as this is a gentle glycolic fruit acid peel which works to treat hyperpigmentation, sun damage, age spots and dull skin. Specifically for hyperpigmentation, our skincare experts recommend the Glow Peel for the treatment of uneven and dark pigmentation.

Bright Eyes at Jacks Buckley Hairdressers in Nottingham

Acne Treatments

If you struggle with acne, blemishes and spots, we have a facial which can help target these problems. Our Pro-Glo Rose Facial contains anti-bacterial and calming properties that work to reduce redness and inflammation as well as being an effective treatment for acne-prone skin. It helps to visibly remove impurities by detoxifying the skin without drying the skin.


SPF All Year Round

Our top tip for clear skin is to make sure that you wear SPF every day! Protect your skin from the harsh UV rays that come from the sun. Your skin will look healthier and more youthful for longer if you wear SPF all year round. UV rays can even reach you on cloudy days when you’re inside! That’s why it’s so important to always wear SPF.

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Book An Appointment At Top Nottingham Beauty Salon

Achieve your skin care goals with an appointment at Jacks & Buckley Beauty Salon in Nottingham. To book your appointment, please call us on 0115 950 1700 or book online using the pop-up button.